Hospital of Death
I had a dream the other night which took place in a hospital. Why I was at this hospital I have no idea, but I was walking around through the hallways. The next thing I knew I opened up a door, which I thought was going to lead me out of the hospital, but instead lead me into an operating room. I was a few feet inside the doorway when I heard people rushing down the hallway. I didn't want to get in trouble for being in the room, so I rushed to the back of the room, and entered into another smaller room. But it turned out to be a bathroom. I had fear in my heart because I knew that I would surely be found in a bathroom. And like I predicted, a man walked into the bathroom and told me that I wasn't suppose to be there, and that I had to put on some hospital gear, and make my way out of the room. And then he smiled and said "If you can get out alive that is." I remember in my dream trying to squeeze my way out of the room, and then the next thing I remember I was walking along an old cobblestone street. There were many women inside all the homes along the way. Then I looked inside one house and seen the man from the operating room fighting with this lady. He had hit her in the face, and punctured her eye. Then he was telling her that he now needed to bring her to the hospital and operate on her. Then it struck me light a bold of lighting. I knew that this man was harming his wives and girlfriends just so he could operate on them, but when the went into the room, then never came out alive. He had other people helping him with the so called surgery's, but not a single one of them were real doctors.
Then I awoke from my nightmare.
Then I awoke from my nightmare.
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